April 15th, shamefully the day “Christians” quite literally pay tribute to Satan

Originally published: April 5th 2019

MFP Commentary:

You do know that a graduated income tax is a plank in  the communist manifesto?  This is not an analogy.
Christians literally are paying tribute to people in league with Satan on April 15th.   (See President Reagan’s Grace Report:
1984: Grace Commission Report under Ronald Reagan showed IRS is a fraud that collects taxes for the Banking Dynasties )


In reality  globalist bankers  get 100% of your income tax money. (not the government as you are told)  They have as their end goal to bring us socialism,  communism and finally a New World Order, (this is the globalist plan  or “Endgame“)  with a one world religion and  where Christians are put to death.  This is who the useful idiots know as “Modern Christians”  fund every year with a substantial portion of their income, usually amounting to 3 or more months  of their labor.   No wonder Satan is winning with all of this help from “Christians”.  And not a one  in  a thousand  in  protest or aware of the scam……   Do any   “Christians” remember where God tells us that gold is money in Genesis? Or they  don’t just care?

The  modern “Church” has embraced  this worship of Satan and his agenda. The acceptance and support  of  the planks of the communist manifesto, moral relativism, the support of blasphemy.  The avoidance of addressing evil….. The vast majority of “Christians” do not see the evil that they are embracing.  This deception and  gross  lack of discernment among Christians  in these end times, is alarming to say the least.  Is it any wonder that many discerning  people are deserting the churches?  Perhaps they do not want to be part of the evil world view that passes today for the “church” and “Christianity”.



It was good  to get confirmation of of my conclusions   regarding the income tax    in this interview series, of Jessie Czebotar.   She relates how  millions in “the brotherhood”  (Illuminati, deep state)  at age 30,  buy into a trust that contains half of the worlds wealth.  She also says  that our income tax supplies a good part of the income  stream for these world wide  , Illuminati members.   In Jessie’s testimony  I have confirmation that is even more convincing  than I had ever hoped for, that indeed  citizens in countries with the Income tax are directly paying for the upkeep and plans  of the Satanists that run this planet, and in the end their  plan to  murder the entire human race.


Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar 1 of 3 – Sarah Westhall