Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing Obama’s mission to cripple America and turn it into a vaccine police state


(Natural News) Former President Barack Obama had a mission for America: Destroy it!

And he pursued that “sleeper cell” mission for eight years, whipping up racial tensions, turning America against law enforcement, socializing the medical system and even allowing people like Joe Biden to transfer classified military secrets to China in exchange for financial kickbacks that were laundered through Ukraine.

As we’ve previously warned, Obama also allowed China to steal the Pentagon’s US military personnel records. He even allowed Iran to “capture” a US military drone and a Navy boat, all as part of a grand scheme to make sure Iran acquired US communications encryption hardware. If that weren’t enough, Obama then laundered billions of dollars through international banks to fund Iran’s nuclear weapons program, all while lying to America and claiming the “Iran nuclear deal” would block Iran’s nuclear ambitions (it did precisely the opposite, enabling the program and funding it).

See the full details of Obama’s treason in this broadcast video:…Read More

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