Missouri Sen. Ron Wyden Introduces S. 420, a Bill to Legalize Marijuana

MFP Commentary:

LOL yeah right. It’s just another screw job from the psychopaths in Jeff City.  Two years ago these criminal bastards hijacked, and gutted a very good Missouri Constitutional amendment which basically established cannabis as God given right. No government involvement at all. Pretty much the same as growing a tomato plant. .
Instead these blasphemers have turned yet another God given right into a permission.
In a Republic the rights of the minority are supposed to be protected from the majority.  Also look into the George Soros involvement in this so called “legalization” this is the same group that was behind making so called “drugs” (our rights) illegal back in the 30’s.
This is a disgrace and this country looks more like North Korea than the Republic that the founders envisioned.
Hosea 4:6

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,…”


*NOTE:  notice that neither of the 2  linked to  sites allow comments.  They want to feed you dogma and give you no way to question their assertions.   Very much unlike the MFP.


Sen. Ron Wyden Introduces S. 420, a Bill to Legalize Marijuana


Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., introduced a bill on Friday to decriminalize marijuana and allow for it to be taxed and regulated. The bill is titled S. 420, in a reference to marijuana culture.

The proposal, identical to a bill in the House, aims to ease the longstanding conflict between states where cannabis is legal in some form and the U.S. government, which categorizes marijuana as a dangerous illegal drug, similar to LSD or heroin. The American Civil Liberties Union estimates that around half of all drug arrests are for marijuana possession.

“The federal prohibition of marijuana is wrong, plain and simple,” Wyden, a Democrat, said in a statement. “Too many lives have been wasted, and too many economic opportunities have been missed…… Read More


Original CBS link:   Senator Ron Wyden introduces S. 420, a bill to legalize marijuana