Pamela Wible, MD on Assembly Line Medicine and the Physician Suicide Epidemic

MFP Commentary:

I like that this lady is thinking – but her observations and solutions are skewed   with a socialist worldview. She   blames  “capitalism” for the medical monopolies shortcomings, while   medicine in the land of the free,  is a state protected monopoly.  It is not  free market, as is was at the turn of the 20th century.

A very well known doctor of the founding fathers generation, predicted what would happen if we did not take steps to protect our medical rights:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush

This suicide rate IMHO is driven in large part as a result of working in a highly “regulated” (un-free) monopoly. Job satisfaction comes from the freedom to follow your interests, talents, etc. That freedom does not occur in the straitjacket of the AMA monopoly licensing model.

Doctors (like the soldiers that commit suicide) find themselves trapped in a system where they realize that they are forced to do more harm than good for their patients. (I have always said that that AMA chronic care is nothing more than than thinly veiled eugenics)….. many doctors are realizing this reality and take the dirt nap solution to a problem that is at it’s  root, created by government’s interference in our rights and in the free market.



1/18/19 I just discovered that Facebook  is shadow banning a post of this article, and openly admitting to doing so. Here is the  screen capture (which they will soon be blocking I am told  with AI reading an OCR scan of the image)