MFP Commentary:
This alleged power of Doctors to bypass due process is yet another example of Christians in our society accepting and supporting the Satanic concept of “Moral Relativism“. People are so dumbed down I think that I am living the movie “Idiocracy”
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
By Health Impact News/ Staff
Health Impact News
The story is one that we hear repeatedly: parents take their child to the doctor for an accidental injury or an illness and end up being accused by a doctor of abusing their child.
The doctor calls Child Protective Services, and the stunned parents watch their child be taken away by social workers. Often, one of the parents will go to jail for accusations of child abuse.
There is little to no due process, and the multiple court hearings that follow are merely an illusion of attempts at justice, since the accusing doctor, a Child Abuse Pediatrician, has essentially become judge and jury.
Opposing viewpoints by other doctors are often ridiculed or disregarded.
It matters little if the parents have no history of violence, or that there is not a single shred of real forensic evidence which supports the diagnosis of abuse.
Once the Child Abuse Pediatrician decrees that child abuse has happened, the Child Protective System, as well as the foster care and adoption system, becomes activated, and parents watch in horror as their children are stripped away from them, sometimes permanently.
Health Impact News has documented much of the history of the entity known as CPS:
From Child Protection to State-sponsored Child Kidnapping: How Did we Get Here?
The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking
These events parallel the takeover of American healthcare by corporate pharmaceutical interests through the rise of the American Medical Association (AMA) in the late 1800’s.
The AMA suppressed all other modalities of dealing with sickness by establishing a licensing process for “medical doctors” which was backed by powerful government interests.
American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America
When it comes to the seizure of children from their families by Child Protective Services, doctors don’t merely play a peripheral role, contributing their medical findings to the body of evidence gathered by law enforcement investigators.
On the contrary, doctors known as Child Abuse Pediatricians are at the very heart of what has become known as state-sponsored child abductions and medical kidnappings.
Though board certification for the sub-specialty of Child Abuse Pediatricians did not exist before 2010, their history traces back to the early and mid 1900s.
Instead of being built upon a foundation of protecting children from abuse, the Child Abuse Pediatrics field is largely a house of cards built on a flawed foundation with a controversial, decades-long history hidden in the background.
Early medical papers by a small group of doctors framed the child abuse story from the very beginning in such a way that silenced opposing viewpoints. Their strategy has been to develop policies that anticipate arguments and squelch opposing voices by maligning or discrediting them.
These tactics are in use today by Child Abuse Pediatricians. These doctors heavily influence the policies of courts, legislators, the child welfare system, and the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding child abuse.
“The Battered-Child Syndrome”
The beginning of the modern effort to address child abuse as a medical diagnosis arguably traces to a landmark paper called “The Battered-Child Syndrome,” which was published on July 7, 1962 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
In this paper, Dr. C. Henry Kempe and the other authors concluded that:
The battered-child syndrome … should be considered in any child exhibiting evidence of possible trauma or neglect (fracture of any bone, subdural hematoma, multiple soft tissue injuries, poor skin hygiene, or malnutrition) or where there is a marked discrepancy between the clinical findings and the historical data as supplied by the parents.
Dr. Kempe’s paper, which was reprinted in Child Abuse and Neglect in 1985, declared that radiologists were experts who are uniquely qualified to find signs of abuse that other doctors frequently miss, and he recommended full skeletal x-rays of any children who met the above qualifications, “in order to ascertain the presence of characteristic multiple bony lesions in various stages of healing.”
Dr. C. Henry Kempe. Photo source.
As many innocent parents have discovered, these policies were indeed enacted by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
When they take their child to the local children’s hospital or emergency room because the child has an accidental injury, exhibits symptoms they cannot explain, or has a mysterious bump that appears, Child Abuse Pediatricians are quickly called in, and their child is subjected to a full skeletal survey (x-rays). This is standard practice today.
Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents
Other Medical Conditions Rejected by Kempe and His Followers
As we have documented many times at Health Impact News, there are many other real medical conditions that can cause symptoms that mimic abuse, such as infantile rickets, osteogenesis imperfecta, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, vaccine injuries, metabolic disorders, infections, or accidental injuries.
Shouldn’t these medical conditions, which all documented today in the medical literature, be the focus of medical doctors, rather than child abuse? Abusing children can be a criminal offense, and is generally part of law enforcement investigations and detectives trained in forensic evidence, something doctors are not trained to do. Most doctors who are Child Abuse Specialists only look at medical records, and never even interview the child or family members.
Numerous families have lost their children due to accusations by Child Abuse Pediatricians that they abused their children, while other doctors, including recognized medical experts in their fields have diagnosed medical conditions that the parents did not cause.
Parents and advocates alike are dismayed when judges, social workers, and sometimes even law enforcement ignore the reports of upwards of a dozen experts in favor of a single report of a narrative put forth by the Child Abuse Pediatrician.
We recently reported that there has been a well-orchestrated effort by an elite group of Child Abuse Pediatricians known as the Helfer Society, founded by Dr. Ray E. Helfer in 1999, to influence the way that the media and the public view child abuse issues. See:
Elite Medical Doctors Seek to Control the Media and Public’s Perception of Child Abuse Specialists