MFP Commentary:
Please read this entire story. I have yet to have met a “Christian” family that adopts kidnapped children, that has a clue as to the criminality, that CPS, the police, and the judges all go through in order to IMHO feed the sex trafficking pipeline, and to trample the rights of, and to destroy the American family. For the most part CSP kidnapping of children by the state is wildly and enthusiastically supported by the “Christian” community. It’s aberrant, and disgusting that they support such evil. But it’s what happens when you make the state your God. — Mainly by not understanding Romans 13 at all.
I think this is how Adolph Hitler came to power in the Christian nation of Germany. i.e. German Christians believed that government was of God and therefore that they should not question anything that their “leader from God” did.
Americans are in an uproar about illegal immigrant parents and children separated at the border. The level of hysteria surrounding this topic has reached a fever pitch with senators like Chuck Schumer mugging distraught for the cameras at every opportunity.
While the shrill voices shriek loudly about the rights of Mexicans and other assorted border jumpers, American parental rights are being stripped from them, unconstitutionally, every single day. (Chuck Schumer has yet to freak out about it on national television.)
American parents have lost their due process and Fourth Amendment rights, and most of them don’t even know it. Most anyone who has been visited by Child Protective Services can testify to the absolute terror that the state can inflict on a family for very little or no reason at all….. Read More