MFP Commentary:
One can not escape it. The mindless drivel of group think: “Support the troops”. Never mind that they are the standing army that the founders warned us about. That the deep state has been openly investigating whether or not this standing army would be willing to criminally take arms from American Citizens.
What are we supposed to support? Perhaps the gross violation of the Constitution (treason) by fighting in wars when Congress has not declared war?
Perhaps the use of depleted uranium in 6 countries? The use of which is clearly a war crime? To cause birth defects in children for at hundreds of years into the future.
Or perhaps the fact that out military is reportedly currently active in over 200 countries. Again Congress has not declared war, so we have 200 wars of aggression. Which according to treaty is again a “war crime”.
So I guess the group think is really “Support war crimes” ” Support the trampling of the US Constitution”.
Sorry, but I don’t do group think, I gave that up after high school.
How about you? Do you support criminality just because it’s politically correct to do so? If you do, you support the inhuman actions of a criminal globalist government…
What we should be doing is supporting and bringing back the militia, and at the same time getting rid of the standing army (that is not authorized by the Constitution) and also getting rid of the standing army in blue, that we call “police”. Our standing army should not exist in times of peace. The thugs in blue should never exist…. The militia was supposed to keep the peace and defend our rights. Not thugs that are controlled by the globalists.
Here is some great research done on the criminality of most of the wars that we have been led into: ALL WARS ARE BANKERS’ WARS Full Version
NOTE: To further illustrate the insanity of this mind control, I was violently assaulted, threatened, and stolen from by a Seymour business owner Terry Kelley the owner of the “K Trading post” (recorded on his surveillance cameras) because he did not like my free speech backed view of our military after he asked me that question. To top it off the incompetent pr criminal, (take your pick) Seymour police department aided and abetted this criminal and have done nothing. Not even contacting me after almost a year has gone by.