It is not just Facebook. All the MSM is engaged in a plot to silence the alternative media. This a crtically important issue.
The alternative media, or as I prefer, the Independent Media, is beating the daylights out of the Mainstream Media (MSM). CNN’s ratings are so far in the toilet that they need a plumber to excise the network.
The American public has become sensitized to the odor of the MSM and its penchant for fake news. People often write to me and ask me how we in the Independent Media (IM) get to the truth behind the stories with much more depth and accuracy of the Independent Media? The reasons are simple:
- We are not owned by corporate media and are beholding to their money-making (at all costs) agenda. Therefore, we have no restrictions on telling the truth.
- Confidential sources, with an important story to tell, do not trust the MSM because of their lack of integrity and therefore, turn to the IM.
- The present generation of MSM journalists are script writers and teleprompter readers. They have neither the desire of the ability to connect the dots required by the demands of quality investigative journalism. In fact, much of the copy for the MSM is written by the intelligent agencies (eg CIA). Remember, WAPO’s, Jeff Bezos, signed a 6$600 million dollar deal with the CIA and we know the CIA runs CNN and ABC.
The emerging dominance of the MSM could come to a screeching halt. More on that later. First, how does the IM outperform the MSM in critical stories. It has to do with out collective ability in the IM to connect the dots and knowing where to look for classified information…. Read More
Your Favorite Websites Could Soon Disappear Courtesy of the MSM