“Back to School” Is Not Inevitable

The New York Times article on “6 Things Parents Should Know About Sending Kids Back To School” begins:

Surely there are some kids who are eager for school to start, but I have not met them. My 9-year-old and 5-year-old daughters have little interest now in trading day trips to the beach and family movie nights for an unfamiliar classroom and nightly homework.”

So don’t make them.

Our culture treats schooling as if it’s inevitable. Like death and taxes, it’s a necessary evil. Even if we know kids don’t want to return to school – are dragging their heels or are downright obstinate – we laugh it off. Everyone knows school stinks. You just have to hold your nose and jump.

For many progressive reformers, dating back to the days of John Dewey, the key is just to make schooling gentler. Spruce it up a bit, make it more engaging and relevant, paint the classroom walls a prettier color. Then it will be ok.

I don’t buy it. You can add curtains to the jail cells but it’s no less a prison…… Read More

Here is a favorite of mine about “government schools”:



*** How many Americans understand the fact that our schools were copied from the admitted Austrian state brainwashing, schools from the 1870’s?
Charlotte Iserbyt and John Taylor Gatto have written extensively on the subject. Look under the resources menu for more information.
OR that they are funded by implementing both the 1st and the 10th planks of the communist manifesto?    ~MFP