MFP Commentary:
I put this story in the Fordland Clinic category because they are active participants in the Federal demonization of self defense and the criminal act of telling you that you have no right to be armed at their facility. We all know what can happen in a Federal victim disarmament zone don’t we? Almost all of these current mass shootings are in such places. How can a place that says it is about health, go along and create a killing zone for it’s customers? The answer is that AMA monopoly health care, at least on the chronic care side, is not about health, but rather if you look closely it’s all about thinly veiled eugenics IMHO. That is the real reason that the dep state wants your medical care to be only available as a monopoly that they control.
Like the soviets, the Fordland clinic at the direction of their Federal masters seem to be using psychiatry as a weapon, with their seriptious mental health screenings, that they will not even admit to, and will even “fire” a patient that is using their first amendment right to complain about it.
Read about that story here: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?
(FWIW the Fordland clinic fired me, for complaining in the above article and has prevented me from being able to get sliding scale dental care. Now I on a fixed income am able to afford ZERO dental care due to their criminality.
Now convince me that the Fordland clinic cares one bit about the health of the people that go there when this is how you get treated.

Guest Post by John Wilder
“Now, you see all these red flags? Trouble spots. Southeastern Asia. The Caribbean. The Congo. I’ll give you one guess as to who’s responsible.” – Doctor Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine

I look much better after I’ve had a cup of coffee. And after I’ve found my axe.
I know that you, gentle reader, have thoughts about guns that are probably pretty similar to mine, so I’d like to take you on a short walk through history, specifically the history of politics and psychiatry. I promise, it will make more sense than the lyrics to the Manfred Mann song Blinded by the Light. What the hell is a go-cart Mozart, and why is he checking out the weather chart, anyway?
(Related: Civil War Weather Reports – Civil War II Weather Report: Spicy Time Coming, Civil War Weather Report #2, Censorship, Stalin, and a Bunch of Links, and Civil War Weather Report #3: Violence, China, and Lots of Links)
The history of psychiatry is tied directly to the political.
I have seen a person suffering from schizophrenia to such a degree that they were sure that MTV® video stars were stealing songs directly from their brain and that they were also a surgeon who regularly performed operations on world leaders and stored their organs in the freezer for safe keeping.
Continue reading “Red Flag Laws, or, How To Repeal The Second Amendment Soviet-Style Without A Pesky Vote”