MEDICAL HORROR: Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby… “a complete individual genome” with abnormal, modified genes… 560 genes linked to cancer

MFP Commentary:
Another smoking gun pointing to cancer virus’s being  purposefully put into children’s vaccines.   It seems like these are the very same vaccines and  cancer virus’s that the Fordland clinic has been injecting into you and your children for decades.   It was Nurse Sonia Cass’s
 vigorous defense  of these blatantly dangerous vaccines and other  Federally mandated policies, that started this series off about the clinic.  Read about that here:
MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?

Here is a related story:
Vaxxed2 documentary producers release devastating information about America’s hidden vaccine injury epidemic: “A war zone” of dead children

** Stay tuned as Dave Hodges has broken a story on a chemical that causes type 2 diabetes being found in many of big pharma’s vaccines.   Yes you read the above 2 statements correctly.   There is a huge eugenics agenda being implemented on the human race.  This is but the tip of the iceberg. These  are the very same vaccines as those  pushed  by our local Fordland Medical Clinic as part of their effort to implement every Federal health mandate, coming from the eugenic pushing  psychopaths  in  Washington DC.   Health is the last thing on their minds it seems.

Genetic Sequencing of Common Vaccine Finds Entire Male Genome From Aborted Human Baby

“…..What’s clear from this genetic sequencing is that the vaccine industry is inoculating children with engineered cancer. As CHD explains, the vaccines are deliberately formulated with cancer-causing genes which have been specifically modified to promote cancer tumors:….”

 Story on Infowars


Link to original post on Natural News:

MEDICAL HORROR: Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby… “a complete individual genome” with abnormal, modified genes… 560 genes linked to cancer

Report: America’s “Hidden” Foster Care System has as many Children as the “Formal” Foster Care System

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Josh Gupta-Kagan, a professor of law at the University of South Carolina School of Law, has just published a new report on “America’s Hidden Foster Care System.”

Professor Gupta-Kagan states that there are about as many children in this “hidden” foster care system as there are in the “formal” foster care system.

The “formal” U.S. foster care system currently has over 400,000 children in foster care, which means that in total there are potentially well over 800,000 children in the U.S. who have been removed from their parents. He reports:

In most states, child protection agencies induce parents to transfer physical custody of their children to kinship caregivers by threatening to place the children in foster care and bring them to family court.

Both the frequency of these actions – this Article establishes that they occur tens and likely hundreds of thousands of times annually – and their impact – they separate parents and children, sometimes permanently – resemble the formal foster care system.

But they are hidden from courts because agencies file no petition alleging abuse or neglect and from policymakers because agencies do not generally report these cases.

While informal custody changes can sometimes serve children’s and families’ interests by preventing state legal custody, this hidden foster care system raises multiple concerns, presciently raised in Supreme Court dicta in 1979.

State agencies infringe on parents’ and children’s fundamental right to family integrity with few meaningful due process checks. Agencies avoid legal requirements to make reasonable efforts to reunify parents and children, licensing requirements intended to ensure that kinship placements are safe, and requirements to pay foster care maintenance payments to kinship caregivers.

Professor Gupta-Kagan goes on to explain that recent changes in Congress, including the passing of the Family First Act, actually provides incentives for this “hidden” foster care system under the seemingly good practice of encouraging “kinship placement.”

Richard Wexler has written similar analyses of the Family First Act in the past. See: …. Read More

Americans Spent More on Taxes in 2018 Than on Food, Clothing and Health Care Combined

MFP Commentary:
The founders balked at a total tax rate of 5%,  and went to war over it. Now most Americans pay in excess of 100 taxes that amount to over half of what they make.  (Chattel slaves in the south had about 50% of their productivity confiscated by the plantation owners. )  Can you tell me what the difference is between today’s taxes, and being a chattel slave? Not  much except that the burden is less on the slave owner. (government)
The founders would have revolted long ago IMHO.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
~Thomas Jefferson


Related Stories:
Major Tax Increases Are About To Slam America As Cities & States Want You To Pay For COVID Fallout


By Terence P. Jeffrey | October 2, 2019 | 5:06 AM EDT

A grocery shopper in Los Angeles on July 24, 2019. (Photo by Mark RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)

Americans on average spent more on taxes in 2018 than they did on the basic necessities of food, clothing and health care combined, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey.

The survey’s recently published Table R-1 for 2018 lists the average “detailed expenditures” of what the BLS calls “consumer units.”

“Consumer units,” says BLS, “include families, single persons living alone or sharing a household with others but who are financially independent, or two or more persons living together who share major expenses.”

In 2018, according to Table R-1, American consumer units spent an average of $9,031.93 on federal income taxes; $5,023.73 on Social Security taxes (which the table calls “deductions”); $2,284.62 on state and local income taxes; $2,199.80 on property taxes; and $77.85 on what BLS calls “other taxes.”

The combined payments the average American consumer unit made for these five categories of taxes was $18,617.93.

At the same time the average American consumer unit was paying these taxes, it was spending $7,923.19 on food; $4,968.44 on health care; and $1,866.48 on “apparel and services.”

These combined expenditures equaled $14,758.11.

So, the $14,758.11 that the average American consumer unit paid for food, clothing and health care was $3,859.82 less than the $18,617.93 it paid in federal, state and local income taxes, property taxes, Social Security taxes and “other taxes.”…Read More

An attorney that has argued before the Supreme Court says that 1.5 million Americans are “committed” annually for their political views

“…. Whitehead also discusses the establishment of a police state that condemns 1.5 million Americans, annually, to mental institutions for their political beliefs, not for actual mental illness. Many of these Americans are forcibly medicated against their will WITHOUT the required court order. America is in the early stages of what could accurately be referred to as FEMA camp incarcerations.

In the 1970’s the world chastised the former Soviet Union for practicing “political schizophrenia”, which was the incarceration of political activists solely based on their beliefs under the guise of a mental illness diagnosis. Did you know that there were 80,000 swat team raids in America last year? Citizens are being “executed” as unconstitutional red flag laws are illegally enforced.

In the following interview, Whitehead details case after case of Americans who are illegally abused by their government for having the “wrong” political beliefs. …..”

City Shuts Downs Preschoolers’ Farm Stand Citing Zoning Violations

MFP Commentary:
This is what happens when “Christians”  treat government as their God. As the entity that defines their rights rather than the entity that defends them.

The Little Ones Learning Center in Forest Park, Georgia, has often sold its produce with discounts to local food stamp recipients and other neighbors and has been acknowledged as a leader in the farm-to-school healthy food movement.

t’s like something out of The Onion: city manager shuts down preschool farm stand out of fear that, if allowed, “we could end up with one on every corner.”

Alas, this is not satire. It’s the current predicament facing the Little Ones Learning Center in Forest Park, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta. In an area where access to fresh fruits and vegetables can be limited, this preschool has stepped up to prioritize growing and selling fresh produce from its school gardens. According to recent reporting in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Little Ones has often sold its produce with generous discounts to local food stamp recipients and other neighbors and has been acknowledged as a leader in the farm-to-school healthy food movement.

That is, until the city shut down the bi-monthly farm stand program last month for zoning violations….Read More


Food is Freedom: How Washington’s Food Subsidies Have Helped Make Americans Fat and Sick

MFP Commentary:

It blows my mind that the main reason to eliminate subsidies is not even touched upon  in this article. All of the  reasons presented  are window dressing by comparison to the real reason.

The real reason to eliminate them is that “subsidies” are criminal. The highest law of the land (the US Constitution) clearly does not give this power to the Federal government. Too bad that most of the audience  doesn’t  give a damn about the Constitution  and must be convinced using other arguments.


Food is Freedom: How Washington’s Food Subsidies Have Helped Make Americans Fat and Sick

Farm subsidies are perhaps the ultimate, but secret, third rail of American politics. While entitlements are discussed out in the open, farm subsidies are rarely talked about – even though they are the most expensive subsidy Washington doles out.

All told, the U.S. government spends $20 billion annually on farm subsidies, with approximately 39 percent of all farms receiving some sort of subsidy. For comparison, the oil industry gets about $4.6 billion annually and annual housing subsidies total another $15 billion. A significant portion of this $20 billion goes not to your local family farm, but to Big Aggie.

(Note that this $20 billion annual farm subsidy figure doesn’t take into account the 30+ years of ethanol subsidies to the corn industry nor export subsidies to U.S. farmers issued by the USDA.)…..Read More

Professor Nicholas Giordano Exposes Schools’ Low Standards that Dumb Down Students, Who Have a 22% Proficiency Level for Education Skills Upon Graduation

MFP Commentary:
This is the result of wholeheartedly adopting the 10th plank of the communist manifesto in this country.  Do yourself a favor and educate yourself so that you know what is going on.  Most “christians” either support the communist manifesto or they are too dumbed down to see it in front of their faces.

Professor Nicholas Giordano Exposes Schools’ Low Standards that Dumb Down Students, Who Have a 22% Proficiency Level for Education Skills Upon Graduation


Maryland’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Turns Deadly: Officer Kills Man Who Refused To Turn In Gun

MFP Commentary:
According to USC title 18 sections 241 & 242 this cop could be tried and if convicted  could be executed for his crime. Yes the murderer is accountable under this never used law….

Rex on the DANGER of Red-Flag-Laws & Handling Bullies ~ Rex Reviews on the AM590 in L.A.

MFP Commentary:
Red Flag laws ARE NOT needed. If someone threatens another, that is already a crime, and can be handled without ever trying to determine “mental state”.  Mental state only comes into play if you are deciding whether to put some in jail or into a mental facility. Either way laws should only address actual committed crimes and not be blasphemous in that they pretend to be God and predict future behavior.

This will backfire on us if implemented. Anyone that criticizes the government will be deemed insane just like in the old Soviet Union. You would have to be insane IMHO to allow the very people that we have firearms to protect ourselves from, determine who can own firearms!! (FWIW we have already entered this insanity with the 1968 gun control act) This is going down the same road that allows CPS to kidnap our children with zero due process! Dumbed down Americans seem to be our main enemy…