Some great alternatives for hosting your video’s other than YouTube:
Legitimate government exists only to protect rights. Not to grant them. Not to trample them.
To be handed an arbitrary citation is one thing, but to have your cash simply snatched by an officer of the law is especially egregious.
This is not a rare, or isolated event. 30 years ago, long before the Internet where one could publicize it, I had a SC cop take all of the money out of my wallet at a traffic stop. Someday I will tell you the story about how the Orangeburg SC sheriffs department was an accomplice in the theft of literally everything that my one year old daughter and I owned, except for the clothes on our backs.
Just last week I had the town of Seymour MO steal money and time from me. The city attorney decided to drop the charge of not having a valid license plate on my trailer, yet they still charged me money, (can you charge other people money when you screw up? This is criminal behavior) on top of being being physically and psychotically terrorized for an hour at a traffic stop by one of their storm troopers in blue, and already having had 2 days of time stolen from me by the Missouri DMV (the incompetent boobs at the Marshfield DMV stole over $250 from me in improper fees, and when I complained they said that they would call the police if I did not leave – it took 2 months to get that money back and I am lucky to have gotten it back at all.) to straighten that mess out, and the 2 hours of my time that it took to make the court appearance. The police and the courts are not rights protecting at all, they are the major rights tramplers that you will encounter in the “Land of the Free”
Like all entrepreneurs, Beto Matias saw an opportunity to support his family while simultaneously creating value for his community.
Finding a prime spot right outside UC Berkeley’s football stadium, Matias began selling his craft hot dogs to willing consumers. No one complained about the quality of Matias’ hot dogs, nor did anyone have any objections to his presence outside of the stadium. But that didn’t stop the state from intervening.
Street Theft
Officer Sean Aranas approached Matias as he was going about his business and asked to see identification. Matias, in complete compliance with the officer’s demands, began sifting through his wallet in search of his identification. But this is where the story took a devastating turn.
Before Matias was given the opportunity to hand Aranas his ID, the wallet was ripped from his hands. And instead of merely examining his identification, Officer Aranas proceeded to confiscate the $60 Matias had in his wallet at the time. It was not until after this strong-arm mugging that the officer finally explained to Matias that he was being cited for failing to obtain a business permit.
Luckily, one of Matias’ customers filmed the entire encounter on his smartphone and the video has since gone viral.
Martin Flores knew something wasn’t right when he saw the officer reach for Matias’ wallet. Thankfully, as so many of us are trained to do in the digital age, he pulled out his smartphone and immediately began documenting the encounter. And he did so just in the nick of time.
In Flores’ footage, viewers see the wallet physically taken from Matias as his hard-earned money is stolen right before his eyes. In the background, Flores can be heard saying, “That’s not right.”…. Read more
Dane Wigington
Kevin Shipp (author of “From The Company Of Shadows“) was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a very important public awareness event, held by in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017, Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing government crimes. The total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny is also fully exposed. The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure. The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny serves as a stellar example to us all.
We desperately need other individuals in government agencies and the US military to follow Kevin’s lead. All of us are essential in the battle to help wake the masses to the truth so that the whistleblowers have the support they need to come forward. If we have any chance of stopping the completely out of control criminal cabal that currently runs our country and much of the world, we must all make our voices heard, we must all join the fight for the greater good.
…… Read original article
This is the book that Mr Shipp recommends that you read:
Trump said we did not need to send our troops to 117 countries and that we needed to stop being an imperial power. So what has Trump done, he has increased the number of troops being sent out of the country.
The real answers behind the shipping of US troops out of the country is revealed in the following video……. Read More
Oath Keepers has supported, (by their silence) and looked the other way as to the evil that cops and the troops commit. That is bad enough, but they go even further and take punitive actions against anyone that questions their world view or their gods.. Doing so gets an Antifa like response (name calling i.e. a troll) from them with no discussion or response allowed. Like Antifa they don’t seem to be intelligent enough to discuss the topic. Yelling “troll” and banning free speech is so much more convenient, than actually responding and discussing an issue. – Just the cop like “I am in control and you are not behavior”. “How dare one of the serfs question either of our gods: Cops and Soldiers! Asking questions and thinking makes you a troll and we don’t talk to trolls.”
Oath Keepers looks a lot like the infantile thuggish Antifa to me in this case.
A November 4, 1969 New York Times feature article authored by Gladwin Hill called for sterilization chemicals to be added to the food supply in order to achieve globalist goals of human depopulation. That article, entitled “A Sterility Drug in Food is Hinted” came with the byline, “Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth.”
Until the New York Times memory holes the article, you can still find it in the NYT archives at this link, in fact. You can also see a partial photo of the NYT article below.
Most people living today — especially younger people — have no idea that a key agenda of globalism is the elimination of “undesirable” humans from the gene pool. They believe that ideas of “eugenics” and genocide were only carried out by the Nazis, not by American university professors and presidential science advisors. So they have no grasp of the context in which Planned Parenthood, for example, operates today as a depopulation engine to eliminate blacks from society. (Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a black-hating eugenicist whose ideas directly inspired the genocidal goals of the Third Reich.)
The New York Times article, shown below, quotes Dr. Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, a depopulation advocate, as well as President Richard Nixon’s chief science adviser, Dr. Lee DuBridge, who said that “population control should be the prime task of every government.” (Read for more headlines on this subject.)…. Read More
With the news that Hackers can take over the grid on command, we must consider the fact that when Obama allowed the Russians and the Chinese to participate in the EMP prep drills calls Grid EX, he gave our enemies the know how on to simulate an EMP attack and take down the Grid. This has potentially dire consequences for every man, woman and child in America.
Here is the complete story…
I just (tried) to pay the tax on a vehicle here in MO.
This is wrong, and evil on so many levels…….
First of all if you pay taxes yearly on something that you “own”, then by any honest analysis you don’t really own that item. You just rent it from the state. This is the American version of the first plank of the communist manifesto in case you don’t recognize it.
You know you are dealing with a criminal organization when you are forced to pay a $7 “handling charge” for a $51 tax bill. That is 13%, and from the looks of it, it is going to a private sub-contracted company. (probably run by a friend or family member of one of the psychopaths in Jeff City that hoisted this tax upon us) No one else in the semi-free market does anything approaching this level of screwing over the customer with excessive charges. (because they don’t have a government provided monopoly like the DMV) But government has a monopoly on the use of force, and knows that all laws ( and regulations) always end in a silent, “or we will kill you if you don’t comply”. If they were not a group of violent thugs that always threaten, and use violence (the very definition of terrorism) do they seriously think anyone would put up with their $7 extortion fee, in the free market?
The entire DMV in MO originated as a means of political cronyism where friends of politicans would be granted the monopolistic ownership of a state motor vehicle location. (You can read about that history in this book.)They are as dirty as mud, illegitimate, incompetent, and corrupt as hell IMHO.
MO DMV fulfills a government function, but at the same time they do not want to be bound by government responsibilities such as not trampling the first amendment. Fact of the matter is quite the opposite, they post signs on the wall that they can eject anyone for any reason, including you exercising your free speech. I know about this because I was ejected by the the incompetent boobs at the Marshfield DMV. I was ejected, and threatened with police involvement because I was exercising my first amendment rights by verbally objecting to them stealing over $250 for a bogus “late fee” on a small utility trailer worth about$300. They took that money, and then kicked me out before they would sell me plates. It took 2 months, and hours of my time but I did get my plates, and a full refund on the theft.
The Marschfield DMV office IMHO was guilty of violating USC title 18 sections 241 & 242 ( violation of civil rights under color of law) and should, in a just world, be prosecuted by the Feds.
One would think that the parasitic criminal class would be happy with stealing over 50% of what each, and every one of us make. (They are in the process of killing the golden goose by greed IMHO) The founders went to war with their government, and were willing to kill them for tax’s of less than 5%.
Jefferson predicted that the blood of patriots, and tyrants would flow every 20 years to keep the tyrants in check. What happened? We are literal slaves to a criminal government, that “allow” us to keep less than half of what we make, and yearly strive to increase that percentage. Yet we do little other than complain…. “I am fed up, mad as hell and am not going to take it any more.” How about you?
FWIW the rape was not done at this point. Not only do they steal most of what we make, that is not good enough for the psychopaths. They then proceeded to steal more time from you (in addition to the time needed to pay their taxes) they want you to have property tax receipts, current insurance card, and safety inspection. This could easily take half of my day to locate all of this. We are treated by the DMV like a bunch of serfs that they own, and can make us jump through an infinite number of hoops, in order to exercise a God given right! (right to travel)…. It looks like I am going to be further stolen from in having to drive to 2 different counties, and spend another good part of a day to pay this extortion to the DMV. It seems as if they are not happy to only extort money from you, they have to make you grovel, and jump through hoops like we were a pack of trained monkeys that exist only as walking wallets for their financial wants. This from “our government employees”.
I for one find the current state of affairs disgusting and intolerable.
Your doctors don’t know it all. I am living proof that that fact I am so healthy mainly because I fired my doctors, and often did the opposite of what they advised. I can entertain questions in the comment section if you have any questions.
. Give Ty Bollinger a listen, and sign up for this video series that will show September 21-October 2nd.
From the very beginning, Pelter’s case has been dogged with controversy. Were the charges trumped up? Was the evidence falsified? Were witnesses pressured to change their testimony? Many people, including some of today’s greatest legal minds, believe that Peltier is an innocent
Very much worth watching.
$1.99 using your Google Play-store account if you have one.
The FBI framing people and or murdering them was repeated at Ruby Ridge, Waco, Gordon Kahl, Lavoy Finicum, Schaeffer Cox, and too many others to name.
Incident At Oglala: The Leonard Peltier Story $1.99:
This documentary is free to watch: