There Is No Judicial Branch Per the Constitution and Thomas Jefferson – Yvonne Lorenzo

MFP Commentary:

This is one of the more important  concepts that brainwashed Americans could learn about.  The “courts”  are out of control and have been writing law and re-writing our Constitution for over 200 years.   They have not even followed the Constitution on jury trials being mandatory, not optional for all criminal and civil proceedings.

I highly highly recommend this book on the US Constitution.
It is easy and enjoyable reading:

Saving the Constitution Paperback – December 23, 2019
by Richard Proctor PhD

I don’t have the time to go into detail but the idea of “judicial supremacy came from a court power grab in 1804 in the Marberry V Madison decision.  The court before this time also had jury trials according to Dr Richard Proctor.



There Is No Judicial Branch Per the Constitution and Thomas Jefferson

Daniel Natale in this video discusses the “third branch of the government,” the Judicial Branch. You all remember what we learned in schools, even university: the legislative, the executive and the judiciary?

Except there is no third branch of government if you read the original document itself, which Natale makes clear, versus the published school and official texts. If Biden packs the Supreme Court, they may view it as a godsend, because for all future elections that are called into question, and if they can “put their fingers on the scale,” they will gain a “titanic new power,” the power to select presidents. After all, they arrogated power from the legislative branch, making laws on abortion and gay marriage.

Natale cites Thomas Jefferson, who refuted the Supreme Court–or any court–having such power:

“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would put us under the despotism of an oligarchy…their power [is] the more dangerous as they are in the office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruption of time and party, its members would become despots.”

The determination as to what is Constitutional and what is not is supposed to be done by the legislators. The courts’ only job is to “try cases and to apply the law as written to those cases.” Of course, that is not what has been happening for decades in America. The judiciary’s actions has fulfilled the warning of Thomas Jefferson, and we see The Supreme Court has also become corrupt despots.

And the erudite Natale cites Cicero and his book De Republica, and how the Constitution was created with clear understanding of his theory of a stable, enduring system of government. As Natale states, “Is the person hired equal to the person doing the hiring? No; one is subordinate to the other. The courts in the Constitution aren’t picking the President. But the President in the Constitution is picking the courts.”

Of course, the oligarchs like such a system where the courts are in control; but that is not what the American Republic was set up to be.

I urge everyone to view this short video, and share with as many as possible.

Original Post

Video on BitChute

Video on YouTube

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How Can There Be Justice For Trump From the Supreme Court When They Tolerated the Murder of One of Their Own to Protect Obama and Chief Justice Roberts? – Dave Hodges


Trump’s Final Remaining Option to Save the Republic As He Prepares to Move On the Communist Forces That Have Taken Over America – Dave Hodges

Just when President Trump is being written off by everyone as a lame duck President, a bold plan to to capture the 2020 election, on behalf of the current President is taking shape.

Trump recently told the Fox Business Network on Thursday that he wants to draw down troops from Afghanistan, by Christmas, so they’re not too worn out if they are needed for wars against China, Russia, or North Korea.  There is another theater of war that Fox News forgot to mention and that is the United States of America. It strongly appears that Trump is bringing the troops home to use domestically in order to invoke the Insurrection Act in response to the coup perpetrated by the voter fraud in the recent Presidential election.

There are several moving parts to this drama, so please pay close attention.


Trump Fires Deep-State-Defense Secretary Esper

The firing of Deep State operative, Esper, was a long time coming. As far back as June 3rd, Esper held a news conference in which he appeared to publicly criticized Trump about the idea of invoking the Insurrection Act, which would allow the president to use active-duty military personnel for crowd control. Clearly, Esper had to be removed because of what Trump is planning to do and Esper would have been in position to leak the plans, so he had to go, and go he did!

Here is the announcement of the firing:……Read More


Ret. Gen Flynn warns of unelected ‘tyrants,’ says ‘time for God-fearing Americans to fight’ – American Military News

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn warned of rule by “tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power in order to destroy us” in a new op-ed published by The Western Journal on Saturday.

In his op-ed titled, “We’re in a Battle of Good vs. Evil – It’s Time for God-Fearing Americans To Fight” Flynn did not specify who the so-called “tyrants” were, but said, “They have violated our laws; they have betrayed our nation and their oath to serve our country, their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”

“The battle we are engaged in cannot be fought with only human weapons: It requires the intervention of God because in a war against the forces of evil, only the Lord can obtain the victory,” Flynn’s op-ed began. “And as American citizens, we must refuse to go to the funeral of our own independence. We the people are proud to proclaim that the United States of America is ‘One Nation under God.’”…..Read More

The Covid-19 Vaccine; Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation? – Unz Review

“There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic… You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.” Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory Disease

“What we know about coronavirus from 30 years of experience is that a coronavirus vaccine has a unique peculiarity, which is any attempt at making the vaccine has resulted in the creation of a class of antibodies that actually make vaccinated people sicker when they ultimately suffer exposure to the wild virus.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Here’s what I think is currently going on in our country and across much of the western world. A public health crisis– that was manufactured and gamed-out before the initial outbreak in Wuhan, China –has been used to short-circuit long-held civil liberties, strengthen the authority of political leaders, collapse the economy, dramatically remake basic social relations, and impose absolute control over work, school, gatherings and recreational activities. Public policy is now set by unelected technocrats who operate behind the cover of lofty-sounding organizations that are entirely controlled by the world’s biggest corporations and richest oligarchs. President Dwight Eisenhower anticipated this troubling scenario 70 years ago when he said:

“Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

Bingo. This is the state of affairs in America today. All real power has been conceded to a globalist oligarchy that operates behind the curtain of corrupt government officials and public health experts. This begs the question of whether the hoopla surrounding the Coronavirus emerged as a spontaneous and appropriate reaction to a lethal and fast-spreading pandemic or whether the hysteria has been greatly exaggerated (Infection Fatality Rate is 0.26% or 1 in 400) to implement a transformational political-social agenda that will not only eradicate democracy and basic human rights, but also pave the way for dangerous vaccines that will dramatically curtail population growth, which is an objective that is widely shared among wealthy elites…..Read More

Related Stories:

The Covid-19 Vaccine and the U.S. Policy of Depopulation – Unz Review (Part I of a series on the Covid-19 vaccine)

Tested ‘Positive’ For COVID-19? Be Sure To Ask This Question – Zero Hedge


However, what exactly is a positive PCR test result? What does it mean? As Dr. Tommy Megremis summarized recently:

If you are generally aware, the PCR test is used to amplify small amount of genetic material so as to recognize patterns of DNA by “cycling.” (Also, for RNA virus, the RNA is converted to DNA in order to be detected, it’s just the way the test works) This is how we have been able to recognize the genomes in Egyptian mummies and Wooly Mammoths. It works because if you amplify and cycle enough times to “grow” legitimate DNA fragments, you get something with with a fair amount of specificity. What is becoming more and more apparent is that the PCR test was not designed as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot function as one without having a huge amount of false positives, period.

When it comes to COVID, the presence of viral particles picked up by the PCR technique does not and has not been quantitatively linked to an active “symptomatic” infection. It simply cannot be so, because infection threshold as a result of viral load is different for each patient. It turns out, if you “cycle” over around 25 times, the false positivity of COVID infection starts getting very high.

I and others have explained in blogs how people can be exposed to virus, and mount a simple innate immune response and never know any differently. When you test these people with very low viral loads, who are not sick, you can find the viral RNA code that is used to “diagnose” if you cycle enough times. The last I read, Labcorp cycles at least 40 times to detect viral genome fragments. The PCR test was never intended for diagnosis of infection but as a qualitative test for presence of parts of a virus genome. I know there has been some confusion circulating the net about what the inventor Kary Mullis had said about that. But we walk daily with people who have any number of parts of killer virus or bacterial genomes which one could pick up with a PCR test if one had the specific test for it. Would we claim that that individual was an infected patient? No!

So given all that, PeakProsperity’s Chris Martenson explains below, in great details, the answer to the most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result.

“What’s the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?”

Sounds wonky but it’s actually really important to understand. A low CT value means someone is loaded with virus. A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load.

Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever.

The problem? Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high. Too high.

……Read More

Related Stories:

Boom: Florida forcing labs to report number of PCR test cycles—game changer – David Icke

35,000 Soldiers Died from the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine – More Than Those Who Died in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq Combined – Medical Kidnap

Health Impact News

Vaccine Syndrome is a film produced by Oscar nominated filmmaker Scott Miller, and provides exclusive interviews with military personnel who have had experience with the controversial anthrax vaccine.

The film claims that over 35,000 soldiers have died from the anthrax vaccine, according to a “RAC-GWVI Government Report” published in 2008.

Compare that to how many soldiers have died in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan, which is 6753 at the time of the filming.

The film starts out with a dramatized recreating of Lance Corporal Jared Schwartz, who refused to receive the anthrax vaccine.

He had to face a military tribunal without legal counsel, and read a prepared statement.

That statement can be found online, such as at the website.

The film also mentions how pharmaceutical companies have legal immunity from any injuries or deaths resulting from vaccines, and that the civilian population only has recourse to sue the federal government in a special Vaccine Court.

However, military personnel are prohibited from suing in this court, which is part of the National Vaccine Compensation Program.

Watch the film here, or on our Bitchute Channel…..Read More

Related Stories:

U.S. Troops In S. Korea First To Receive Mass Experimental COVID Vaccination-Medical Kidnap

Former Medic Whistleblower Exposes How the Military is Testing Experimental Vaccines on Soldiers Using them as “Lab Rats” – Medical Kidnap

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! – Medical Kidnap

“I Can’t Keep Watching Patients Die Needlessly!” Medical Professor Testifies to Congress that COVID Cure Already Exists with Ivermectin – Medical Kidnap

Proven Drug ( Ivermectin) That Is Now Saving Thousands Of Lives Should Be Approved To Prevent/Cure Covid-19 Instead of Unproven Vaccines –  Bill Sardi





Situation Update, Dec. 5th – Operation Warp Speed is a CCP-engineered conspiracy to cause mass vaccine casualties across the United States military – Mike Adams

Today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 5th) lays out stunning details on a grand, wartime conspiracy involving Operation Warp Speed. This vaccine program to mass vaccinate U.S. military personnel is actually phase two of a CCP-engineered bioweapons attack on America that began with the release of the SARS-cov-2 coronavirus, and now proceeds to the mass injections of U.S. troops with a dangerous, largely untested and experimental vaccine that already shows a 100% rate of side effects in high-dose study subjects. The new mRNA platform used for these vaccines hijacks the body’s cells, invading ribosomes and causing them to churn out non-human proteins which invade the blood. These proteins cause the body to attack itself in a “cytokine storm” of inflammation and autoimmune disorders, resulting in neurological damage, infertility, tissue damage and even death. Perhaps that’s why US Army General Gus Perna, in explaining the purpose of this program, says, “We’re ready to execute.” (Source: To understand China’s role in achieving this stunning tactical outcome whereby its enemy (the United States) injures or kills potentially millions of its own soldiers through a dangerous mass vaccination program, you first have to remember the so-called “OPM hack” that was first discovered in 2016. Listen to the full Situation Update report here, and continue reading all the supporting sources and quotes below:…Read More

According to This Government, All Americans Are Terrorists, and Will be Treated as Such! – Gary D. Barnett

According to This Government, All Americans Are Terrorists, and Will be Treated as Such

“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr. – “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 16 Apr. 1963

We are all terrorists now. This is the new paradigm that has consumed this country. This is why a fake ‘virus pandemic’ has been successful in capturing the bodies and minds of the public, and why this blatant conspiracy based only on the total control of this entire population continues to be advanced with little resistance. The ‘new normal’ is not as it is described, and is not just the temporary disallowance of freedom; it is so much more. The idea that is being used as the major control measure of this takeover coup is fear; not fear from monsters from afar, but fear of each other. Every citizen is now considered a threat to every other citizen. Every citizen is considered a threat to the country, and therefore a threat to national security. What a brilliant scheme this is, but it is brilliant only in its deceit and indisputable malevolence. We are experiencing pure evil, an evil that is being used to pit all against all, turning a country once united into a country filled with hate and distrust….Read More



Original Post

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35,000 Soldiers Died from the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine – More Than Those Who Died in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq Combined – Medical Kidnap

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! – Medical Kidnap

It’s Here! The Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study! –

‘Immunity Cards’ To Be Issued To All Americans! Enable CDC To Track COVID-19 Vaccination Status In Database – Medical Kidnap

UK Government Warns Doctors About Infertility Possibility with Pfizer COVID Vaccine, But NO Warning to Patients! – Medical Kidnap

EVIL ‘Immunity Cards’ To Be Issued To All Americans – Target Liberty