The Spirit Of Fear Has Conquered Our Country – Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Published: Thursday, September 10, 2020

Let’s be honest enough to face it: America is no longer the “home of the brave,” and as a result, we will soon no longer be “the land of the free.” In many respects, that description of America is already passé.

Of course, America is still home to a few truly brave folks. But these people are more and more in a smaller and smaller minority. Nothing proves this reality like what we are witnessing in regard to the coronavirus.

Anthony Fauci’s and Bill Gates’ bought-and-paid-for medical establishment, along with the completely controlled mainstream media and their political lackeys in both parties at every level of government (local, county, State and federal) have successfully convinced the vast majority of the American people that they must FEAR the coronavirus. And it’s no use arguing the facts or science of the virus. Americans (and people around the world) have totally bought into the phony narrative that corona poses a serious life-threatening danger to everyone.

Never mind that fewer than 10,000 Americans have died exclusively from corona; never mind that 95% of those who have succumbed to the virus have been people (mostly elderly) who were already suffering from serious comorbidities; never mind that more than half of all corona IFRs are in nursing homes; never mind that the PCR test itself routinely registers false positives—by perhaps as much as 80%; never mind that over 80% of people who contracted the virus have very mild symptoms or even no symptoms at all; never mind that the coronavirus has a 99.74% survival rate.

Most of us have a greater statistical chance of dying in an automobile accident than from corona, and school-age children have a greater statistical chance of dying from a lightning strike than from corona. And never mind that hospitals, health care workers, State and local governments, churches, corporations and government bureaucrats are being bribed with billions of taxpayer dollars to promote the fearmongering agenda of the virus—without which you and I would be completely oblivious that the virus even existed.

See this report.

But none of that matters. The phony corona narrative has been swallowed hook, line and sinker. If we don’t wear face diapers everywhere we go, if we don’t rigidly practice social distancing, if we don’t close our churches and if we don’t take the vaccine, we are going to die.

The purveyors of fear have won. America’s experiment in and love of Liberty is over.

The words of Patrick Henry sound so very hollow now:

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains [face masks] and slavery [vaccinations]? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!…Read More

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