Multiple Studies Show MMR & Pertussis Vaccine Failure – They’re Not Even Working

MFP Commentary:
It was because I was voicing concerns similar to those in the following article  that nurse Sonia Cass (pictured below), at the Fordland Medical Clinic 

Fordland Clinic nurse Sonia Cass

decided that she would in retribution ban myself, an elderly man with dental issues from using the  sliding scale dental facilities at the Clinic.  This in effect  denies dental care to most people on a fixed income.

It takes either an evil heart or stupidity to do something like this.  In Sonia’s case the stupidity is there in full force as in my only phone conversation with her, she expressed  the belief  that there are never any negative consequences in receiving a vaccine.  Vaccines are products that big pharma thinks are so safe (they undergo no safety testing at all)  that they got laws passed so that they are not responsible it their products kill or maim you.  As you can tell Sonia is a real intellectual giant. As far as the “evil heart”, Ilet the facts speak for themselves.

To make a long story short I had to hang up on her when I tried to resolve an issue concerning my patient privacy because she was defending  the invasion of my privacy.  I had no other option at that point other than going public.  As “punishment” for the resulting  article and for speaking the truth as scripture demands of us, she has denied me dental care for publishing the following article:

MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?



  • The Facts:Multiple studies show quite clearly that there is a problem with the MMR & Pertussis vaccines, and many others. What we may be seeing is a failing vaccine, and not a a failure to vaccinate.
  • Reflect On:With the amount of information clearly showing how some vaccines are ineffective and in many cases causing injury, how is mandatory vaccination at all justifiable?

We are living in a day and age where there is a tremendous divide occurring among the populace on multiple subjects, one of them being vaccination. We are heavily marketed with the idea that vaccines are completely safe for everybody, that they save lives, and that the science is settled. This type of narrative comes straight from pharmaceutical companies and federal health regulatory agencies like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

However, there is a lot of science that continues to emerge which summarily discount the claims being made by pharmaceutical companies and federal health regulatory agencies. Not only are there contradictions in their science, but also extreme corruption within these companies and agencies has been exposed on multiple occasions.  One great example would be senior CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson, who blew the whistle in 2014 on data corruption by executives within the CDC with regards to falsified data pertaining to the MMR vaccine. One study which purports to show no link between the vaccine and autism had some of its data sets removed, which otherwise showed a strong correlation between the vaccine to autism…..Read More