Texas Senator Exposes Corruption with CPS and Child Abuse Doctors Over Medical Kidnapping of 4-Year-Old Child

MFP Commentary:
It looks to me like the useful idiots are trained to only address one government evil, and that is abortion. Every other egregious government evil seems to be OK with these brainwashed “right to life” people. Am I mistaken? Actions speak louder than words. 



Commentary: CPS Heavy-Handed Overreach

by Senator Bob Hall

When the overreaching heavy hand of the government leads to even one instance of injustice, a little bit of liberty is lost for all citizens.

On July 2, 2019, in Kaufman County, Texas, another piece of liberty was chipped from our society. Once again, in a very sad courtroom scene, the “legal” abduction of a 4-year-old child by the Texas Child Protective Service (CPS) was upheld by what can only be described as an egregious miscarriage of justice.

During a hearing, that lasted more than six hours, little to no evidence was presented that indicated either parent, of the 4-year-old boy, had actually done anything remotely close to child abuse. In fact, no one involved in the whole prosecution process had ever met or talked with either parent, or met or talked with the child.

The doctor from Children’s Hospital, who apparently initiated the forceful removal, had no history of treating the child, had never seen the child, and did not make a complete review of all of the child’s medical records……Read More