Google Poses a Greater Threat to Democracy Than ISIS or North Korea


Please allow me to mention that when I first posted this information, the article was scrubbed and the site has been sporadically offline the morning of the post.

The Elimination of the Conservative Right

The liberal left intends to eradicate all conservative coverage of the news no matter what the cost. Why are they doing this? The simple and most accurate answer is that they want to control everything that you see, hear and read. They need to enslave your mind so you will accept the unfolding of the Luciferian New World Order and Google’s place in it. This is one of the main reasons that my byline which says “Freeing America One Enslaved Mind at a Time“. These words were intentionally chosen and this article captures the importance of a people to remain intellectually free so they can be personally independent.

Google Is the Internet

Today, it is a well-known fact that Google controls nearly 80% of all search engine queries. Basically, Google controls the Internet. From my personal perspective, Google is the internet.

The Internet is becoming great educator on the planet. Almost all known information is available on the Internet. Even 75% of all intelligence data is open-sourced and is available on the Internet, if one only knows where to look.

Scientific discoveries, once confined to subject-specific journals, are now widely shared on the Internet. Today’s researchers view publications of their research in their former monolithic journals as nice to have because it indicates peer approval. However, reputations are built on the Internet and reputation is what drives research grants and funding.

Entertainment figures depend on the Internet as much, or more, than they do traditional media outlets to enhance their marketability.

….  Read More

Google Poses a Greater Threat to Democracy Than ISIS or North Korea


Most don’t realize that your Google Maps app spies on you even when it is closed, and not running. I was appalled and pissed off when I just opened Google maps, and found out that it tracks and identifies the names of places that I go, even though I have not opened the app in 3 months!
You can bet that the 4 letter agencies are putting this criminally collected, and shared data  in places like their Net Fusion Center in KC Missouri.
People should be in jail over this…..

That is the reason that I own one of these:

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The big day is here at last. Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie, will be broadcast free on the Internet all day, Monday through Friday, Sept. 4–8, and Episode One starts at 12:01 Monday morning Pacific Time.
The only thing on which we can agree with Al Gore and the high priests of the Global-Warming religion is that – yes, the science is settled, and it is their theory of man-made warming that has been thoroughly debunked. Real science shows that the Earth is no longer warming but actually may be entering a cooling cycle.
The way the broadcast of this documentary series will work is that an email will be sent to you prior to the commencement of the series and it will contain a private link for your personal access. Each day, one of the five episodes will be broadcast starting at 12:01 AM Pacific Time and continue until 12;01 the following morning. The same link will apply throughout the series.
Read more and sign up to be notified

Subjective Safety

By Eric Peters, August 30, 2017

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If they were at least consistent, you might be persuaded that Our Controllers were truly concerned about our safety. As opposed to using “safety” as the pretext for controlling us.

Not infrequently, to the detriment of our safety.

There are many examples to prove the point but the latest is the push for congressional approval of an exemption for automated cars from the federal safety requirements that apply to not-automated cars. Specifically, an exemption from the regs which forbid the sale of automated cars that lack back-up controls which a human driver can use to prevent the car from doing something manifestly unsafe because its automated systems have experienced a technical hiccup.

Having some way to intervene when an automated car runs amok doesn’t seem like a bad idea – assuming Our Safety is the criteria  – especially given that automated cars haverun amok and given that the more of them there are in circulation, the more often this will happen – for the same reason you get more flat tires when there are 10 million cars out there driving around vs. 10 cars driving around.

It’s an odds game….. Read More


New Big Pharma strategy: Kill the messenger

Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children.

In Italy, millions of Italians have been demonstrating since June, protesting the infringements to parental rights.

On July 28, industry-beholden Italian legislators voted 296-92 to pass a one-size-fits-all law that mandates multiple doses of ten vaccines for preschoolers through teenagers, imposing steep fines for parents who do not comply…. Read More

Gov’t Fast-Tracking Mandatory Vaccination As Media Muzzles Debate