Missouri Marijuana Legalization Initiative Ready for Immediate Signature Collection

This petition is to get a pro MJ  Constitutional amendment  on the ballot.  Understand that the psychopathic criminals in Jefferson city have gutted, and bastardized this amendment, but it is a step in the right direction, to gain food and medical liberty in the police state of Missouri.  ~MFP

The Missouri Marijuana Legalization Movement (MMLM) has been working diligently to put together an initiative petition for 100 percent legalization of cannabis in Missouri. The Secretary of State has approved a petition for circulation that will put that question in front of the voters of Missouri on Nov. 8, 2018. MMLM currently has over 67,000 members and is growing daily, with more than 2,000 registered volunteer petitioners.

The revolutionary approach to legalization of cannabis taken by MMLM sends a strong message, not only to the voters of Missouri, but to all Americans collectively. The benefits of cannabis in all its forms have been repressed through misinformation by large corporations for decades, simply to allow those entities to line their pockets and increase their profits. This is an abomination perpetrated on everyone in our great nation.

“The benefits provided by cannabis in all its forms will revolutionize so many industries and become a major windfall for Missourians,” said Timothy Gilio the driving force behind the MMLM. “From bio-diesel that can eliminate our dependency on foreign oil, paper products that can help us reverse deforestation worldwide, medical applications that will reduce costs to patients and be safer than current drugs like opioids, to construction materials and a host of other applications.”

Why should someone sign this petition for 100 percent legalization of cannabis? There are numerous reasons to sign it, and literally zero reasons not to sign it. The human rights issue alone should be enough for any sane person to sign. We put people in prison for anywhere from decades to life for possession of a plant that has more benefits than any other plant on this planet. Why? Because our government, our elected officials who are lining their pockets with contributions from pharmaceutical companies, say we should. Those same pharmaceutical companies are pocketing billions of dollars in profits selling poison to people. Cannabis would replace so many drugs that they realize their profits would plummet, so they pay big bucks to lobby our elected representatives to keep it illegal.

People are dying by the droves daily from using opioids, which are legal. People are dying by the tens of thousands from alcohol and tobacco use, which are also legal. No one has ever died from using cannabis. Not one person. Ever. Keeping cannabis illegal is the most illogical thing this country has ever done. Get the facts. Educate yourself. Stop believing the lies that have created this stigma surrounding cannabis. We the people need to take back our rights to this plant.

“I don’t want to use cannabis,” you might say. Fine. Why prevent others from getting the cannabis they need for medicine? I don’t drink alcohol, but I certainly don’t want to prevent you from drinking alcohol, or smoking cigarettes, even though it is probably going to kill you too. MMLM is not asking anyone to use cannabis if they don’t want to. All we are asking is that you help us stop the 80-year prohibition on a plant that can help so many people. V  Original story


  • MFP

    I think that justice requires the arrest and charging of anyone involved in the bogus United Nations war on drugs. They are in effect doing what the guards at Auschwitz did to the Jews. They are violating the rights of people that have committed no crime (a crime requires a victim) up to and including murdering them. They are actually in violation of a Federal law that can carry the death penalty. USC title 19 sections 241 & 242