Is the US Under Attack From Manufactured Weather Events?

If you think that weather modification is science fiction think again. It was used 50 years ago during the Vietnam war, and now all of the major governments use it, and most have admitted to doing so.  ~MFP

Many credible people are asking the question as to whether the United Stated is under attack from manufactured weather events?

The first question that any reasonable person may ask as if the technology exists? The answer is a simple “without quetion”. Does that necessarily mean that Hurricane Harvey was a manufactured event tied to some nefarious purpose? It certainly does not follow that because the technology exists, that the use of proven weather modification is a given (ie “Air Force Owning the Weather 2025).

Making the Case for a Manufactured Weather Event

Dean Wigington has provided one of the most lucid accounts of why Hurrican Harvey is a manufactured weather event:

From: Dane Wigington

“Hurricane Harvey is the latest example of covert weather warfare being waged on completely unsuspecting populations. Increasingly catastrophic climate cataclysms are being orchestrated and manipulated by an ever more desperate and aggressive global power structure. Rapidly accelerating climate and biosphere collapse is not somewhere on the horizon, it is here, now. Climate engineering is further fueling the unraveling of the remaining web of life on our once thriving planet. With undeniable facts and film footage the video below fully exposes the manipulation of Hurricane Harvey…”

“Sharing credible and verifiable data is absolutely crucial in the fight to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering assault.  When incorrect or false data is propagated, the critical cause of exposing and halting climate engineering is harmed. Investigate, become familiar with the most inarguable building block facts, and make your voice heard.”

I concur with Dean, if we do not make it a priority to share accuract information, then we can accurately be accused of being “fake news” and we will have no more credibillity that CNN or MSNBC. However, after watching Dean’s account, in the video, I have grave concerns regarding his allegation as offered in the video.   Read More